Horsepower: 354 HP @ 1,900 rpm
Operating Weight: 89,300
Blade Capacity: 12.3-15.6 yd³
Like WPI, for the last century, Komatsu has empowered the companies that have developed the world’s infrastructure. With a reputation for dantotsu quality, reliability, insights, and support, WPI partners with Komatsu to create lasting value for our customers.
Features & Benefits
Custom-Build the Dozer You Need
All the D65/85/155 family dozers offer you outstanding power, economy, and reliability. Customize yours with the blade (straight, Semi-U, Sigmadozer, and Full U (D155 only)), track shoe width, and horsepower combo best suited to your application.
Minimize Fuel Use
An advanced Tier 4 engine offers a potent power and fuel efficiency combo. An auto idle shutdown, adjustable from 5-60 minutes, also helps cut fuel use and emissions
Long-Lasting undercarriage
Get the most from your dozer. The Parallel Link Undercarriage System (PLUS) with rotating bushings delivers up to twice the life of our conventional undercarriage with no pin and bushing turn required. Parts wear evenly and last longer before needing replacement.
intelligent Machine Control (iMC)
With automatic dozing, and rough cut to finish grade, iMC-equipped machines make every pass count. Dozers “learn” operator blade input. And iMC helps new operators get up to speed quickly.
No-hassle DPF regeneration
Tier 4 machines use diesel particulate filters to burn off engine soot via regeneration. To help make sure it rarely impacts your operation, all D65/D85/D155 models use continuous passive regeneration and active regeneration that typically doesn’t
require the dozer to stop.
Efficient blade pitch operation
Pressing the auto-pitch switch* lets the operator toggle the blade pitch position from dig to dump with no lever movements. The blade pitch control can be set to return to the digging position when the reverse is selected automatically.
Ergonomic ripper controls
Operators will love the ergonomic ripper control lever that incorporates an auto-return function. It automatically raises the ripper so they can stop grappling with levers and focus on other tasks. It kicks in when the travel lever is moved to reverse.
Situational awareness
A standard rear camera monitoring system displays the view behind the dozer on the large color monitor.